Sunday, June 24, 2012


This evening, Colton and I were unexpectedly, wonderfully surprised when Barry called and asked if we could meet him in town tonight.  He had picked up a load in Illinois that was coming through our town headed back to Springfield.  Colton was really missing his daddy, so this was a great miracle.  Barry was only able to stay a couple of hours, so we decided to go out and eat with him at our favorite Mexican Restaurant in town.  After dinner, Colton was so excited to get back up in daddy's big truck.  He loves to sit in the driver's seat to look out the window, honk the horn, and move the seat up and down.  Funny boy!  I'm beginning to think if Barry stays with this job a very long time, we may have two truck drivers in our family one day.  Who knows, they may even team drive together.

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