Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cousin Noah's Birthday Party

Today we headed over to Gabe and Ashley's after church for Noah's 3rd Birthday Party.  I can't believe he just turned three.  Colton has been talking about going over to "No-No's house" for 3 days straight now.  I was so glad the Birthday Party day was finally here.

Before the everyone arrived, I was able to take a picture of Colton and Noah with Papa Jerry.

When everyone arrived, the party began, they first served us a yummy CARS ice cream cake.  The boys loved it as you can tell...........

Noah had a Birthday ice cream face after it was all over..............
It was then present opening time......
Then it was time to play with the presents.........
the boys played and played...............then they ate some cookies............

After that, they ran around chasing one another with their cookies......................

They then went to Noah's bedroom to play with more toys and all of a sudden it got quiet in there, I went to check it out and this is what I found...........

Two boys in the bed, they were completely exhausted and were ready to lay down and take a nap.  That was when we all knew it was time to head home.  It was a good day!

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