Friday, June 29, 2012

Colton's Handy Dandy Lap Tray

A few months ago, we were in Hobby Lobby.  I love to just go in that store and look around, they have so many awesome items to look at.  I was just walking around checking everything out when I notice this multi-purpose lap tray.  I immediately thought Colton could put this to good use.  He could place his plate full of chicken nuggets and mini corn dogs with ketchup on this tray and bring it in the living room while sitting on the couch.  We had to have it.
It's really handy.  It has other purposes too.  He gets his coloring books out and places them on the tray to color.  He then puts his crayons in the side trays to be able to have easy access.
He has even placed this tray in the floor and put his play-doh on it to mess around with.
This is an item I'm really glad I purchased for him.  It was at Hobby Lobby for only $6.99.  I actually bought it when they were having a sale for 30% off.  They run specials all the time, check them out sometime.  You can't beat that deal!

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