Monday, June 11, 2012

Coming Home

Barry is finally on his way home after being gone for six weeks straight.  He should arrive early tomorrow morning which will be a surprise for Colton.  I can't wait!

Colton has been planning this reuniting moment for weeks.  He has told his daddy on the phone what he has on the agenda for them once he does arrive home.  It is the following:

-fighting with swords
-playing in the pool
-watching movies
-4-wheeler ride
-tackle on the floor
-going to the park
-hugs and kisses

He has missed his daddy so much and is extremely excited to see him.  To Colton, I'm sure it seems like forever since they've been together.  I can't wait to see the look on Colton's face when Barry finally arrives.  It will be one of those "PRICELESS" moments.

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