Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday at Dan and Angel's

Mom, me and Colton headed over to Dan and Angel's today for lunch.  It was good food and good company.  Dan grilled some really good tasting burgers for us, Angel made some awesome baked beans and mom brought a great pasta salad.  I just brought the baked chips..........easy cheesy.  We were living it up today with delicious food all around us.  I was very proud of myself though, I didn't stuff myself like I normally would, I just tried a little bit of everything.  I started cutting down Monday and have been sticking with it all week.  So now that I'm on the right track, I don't want to get side tracked and take a detour.  Hopefully, I'm going to lose some weight this time!

After lunch, we headed outside for the kids to play in Katie's new pool.  They had fun together.
Some of their faces were really funny, I'm glad I snapped the picture when I did!
Then they decided they'd both try to swim.
Then they did some splashing and running around............
After playing in the pool, we then headed back into the house for dessert!  The yummy dessert that Angel made was a wonderful raspberry yogurt dessert(I don't know what it's called).  To me, it tasted like a cheesecake and I love cheesecake!  I was in heaven!  While we ate dessert, the kids were coloring.
Then after they were done, they had to check out the finished picture.
We had to leave and go home, so Colton could take his nap.  He was in need of one by then.  We had a great day.

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