Thursday, June 28, 2012

Night Time Prayers

We always pray before bedtime.  I love to hear Colton call out the names of the people we know.  He asks Jesus to watch over them and protect them.  If someone is in need of a healing, he asks for that as well.  Every night, he ends the prayer by naming all of our church friends and other people we know.

Last night, we had finished our night time prayer and I gave him a kiss good night, when all of a sudden he says, "Mama, we forgot to pray for Chrissy tonight."  I said, "Bubby............I think you are right.  We better pray again and call out her name."  We did just that.  For those of you who don't know, Chrissy is his babysitter.  He loves her to pieces.

I've always felt it's very important that he learns how to pray and develops a strong connection with God and Jesus at a young age.  This goes to show me what a precious, young, little Christian boy he is growing up to be.  He really has a Godly love for people and I am so proud of him for that.

Didn't God know what he was doing when he gave us children?  They are so pure minded, willing, obedient, innocent and humble little people...............they are a magnificent creation of God.

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