Friday, June 22, 2012

How To Train Your Dragon

Colton goes through spurts of watching different movies.  He doesn't watch a different one every night though, he has to watch the same movie over and over and over again until I'm ready to pull my hair out.  First, it was a movie addiction with The Transformers, next in line was Real Steel, after that came the Green Lantern which then lead to Spider-Man and now he is on the kick of watching How To Train Your Dragon.  I enjoy all the above mentioned movies, don't get me wrong.  Just let me tell you though, when you have to watch the same one over and over again every day and every night, it can really drive you bonkers.

However, I have really enjoyed watching How To Train Your Dragon.  I had never seen it before until Colton introduced me to it one day a few months ago on our satellite.  Yes, he can operate the satellite better than I can it seems.  I was immediately hooked with him on this little movie and taped it.  I now want to recommend it to anyone out there who hasn't seen it.  It's definitely a cute kid-friendly movie worth watching.  As Siskel and Ebert used to say back in the day, I give it two thumbs up!

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