Friday, June 29, 2012

Spiderman Pillow Pal

We were in Wal-Mart one day last week and Colton was a grouch; he needed a nap big time!  I knew I was going to have to lay him down in the shopping cart to take a nap, because I had too much shopping to get done for him to be a grouchy bear the entire time.  I found an extra large pillow for him to rest on and he immediately noticed this Spiderman Pillow Pal.  It was right by the regular pillows and he just had to have it to snuggle with.  So me being the "pushover" that I am, picked up the Spiderman Pillow Pal, handed it to him and told him he could snuggle with it while we were in the store, but once we were ready to leave, we had to put it back.  He didn't care, he just wanted to snuggle with him.  Luckily, he fell asleep almost instantly.

When we were in line to check out, it was time to wake Colton up.  I had to take the extra large pillow back where I found it along with the Spiderman Pillow Pal.  OH MY GOODNESS!!!!  You would've thought the world was coming to an end..............crying, whining, blubbering.............(don't tell me I'm the only parent who has gone through this)...............big old tears running down his face.............he wanted this pillow all for himself.  He wanted to take it home with him right now.

His birthday is coming up next month.  I told him we could not buy this right now, but we would put it on his birthday wish list as one of the items he would like to have for his birthday.  I let him know when we have his birthday party and people come over to celebrate it with us, someone just might buy it for him as a present.  Still..............tears...............crying..............whining...............blubbering as I took the Spiderman Pillow Pal back to where I found it.  What an ordeal.  When I placed it back on the shelf where I found it when we first entered Wal-Mart, I noticed that it was the VERY LAST pillow pal left of Spiderman.  OH NO...................Needless to say.................we came home with Spiderman.  I'm a pushover!

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