Saturday, June 2, 2012

Once Again.....I'm Thinking About Losing Weight

I've been wondering for a while now, how did I get this overweight?  What is my deal?  Why can't I get motivated and stay the course?  Well I'll tell you, I like food and there is too much good food to eat, that's the problem.  People we know need to stop being such good cooks, stop bringing those awesome dishes to family and friend get-togethers or church pot luck dinners.  It seems like any time I finally make up my mind to lose weight, someone decides to have one of those get-togethers and FOOD is always involved.  I find myself wanting to eat everything in sight!  I can't help it if I'm surrounded by such wonderful cooks.  It always happens, it never fails, I'm thrown into that place of temptation with.....................FOOD.

It seems like when I talk to my girlfriends or the women in my family, we somehow end up in a discussion about our weight.  Nobody ever seems happy with their weight anymore.  We are always "cutting down", "watching what we eat" or "on a diet" of some kind.  I know we all like to eat, but there has to be a limit of what or how much we eat.  I know if we ever lose weight, we have to be motivated to let nothing take us off track.  Sometimes, we hit road blocks or face difficulties at some point in life, but we need to regroup and get back on track.  Don't let things stop us from losing weight if we are really determined.  Let's count our calories and don't go over what is allotted to us daily.  Let's get motivated!  Let's not let anything stand in our way of losing the weight we need to!  Do you notice I'm talking to MYSELF here?

I've been so unmotivated this year about losing weight it's unreal.  I give myself pep talks and I think I'm on the right track........then I get the dreaded hunger pains around meal time and decide to go "out" to eat and I go crazy........simply and utterly crazy!!!  An inner person is unleashed and I want to eat everything in sight!!!  I kid you not.  It's the truth.  I love food.  I love the smell of food, I love the taste of food, I just simply love food.  Do I sound crazy?  Am I making sense?  Can you relate?  I hate that inner glutton in me, but I love to eat good tasting food.  I can't help myself, I love everything about good food.  If I'm going to eat, I want something that tastes good.

I'm a really bad cruncher, I like those snack foods you can chomp on and hear the crunch sound.  I know I'm crazy!  My biggest downfall is chips and queso or chips and dip of any kind.  I love to eat snack foods.........and let me tell you.........they are not good for you.  THEY ARE THE ENEMY!  We've got to stay away from our weaknesses and that is mine.

I know for me, the ONLY way I will ever lose the weight will be to count my calories.  It will make me responsible for what I eat.  The key for me is being able to eat good tasting food that I want, but just eating smaller portions and trying to prepare them more healthier.  It comes down to counting the calories.  The only thing I can say is that I'm going to try and stick to that.  That's really all I can do............JUST TRY.  I know I can do it, because I've lost weight like that before.  If I get off track, hopefully there will be someone to lead me back to the right path.  So who is with me?  Anyone?

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