Monday, June 11, 2012

Cutting Down - Day 8

Well today is my 8th day in the dieting process.  WOO-HOO for me!  One week down and only several hundred more to go!

The weekends are the hardest for me to get through, but I'm so proud of myself because I stuck with it.  I find that what has helped me the most this time has been prayer.  I've been praying that I wouldn't have that terrible hungry feeling I get when I want more food.  My will power is not so good and I'm very easily persuaded to just EAT what I want........which is anything and everything in sight!  However, I know I need to lose this weight, so I'm trying my best and I know that the Lord will help me get through this.  Praise the Lord, so far he has!!!!

I've been going through my low calorie recipes and I found several I want to try.  Hopefully I'll have time to make one of them tomorrow and let you know how it turned out.  If it's good, I'll share the recipe.  Wish me luck!

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