Sunday, July 1, 2012

Like Mother............Like Son

When I talk on the phone, for some reason I can't keep still.  I have to pace the floor, back and forth.  I can never just sit down and be still while I'm talking.  I used to think it was a nervous habit, because I never had a specific reason for doing it.  Talking on the phone has just never been one of my favorite things to do.  If I'm going to talk or visit with someone, I like to do it face to face..............not over the phone where I can't see the expression of the other person's face that I'm visiting with.  I like to be in the same room as the person I'm talking with, I always have.

When Barry called from Ohio this morning, Colton answered the phone.  He was talking to his daddy when I noticed that he does the same exact thing as me............he paces back and forth too. He can't stay in one place for too long either.  Oh my, this boy is turning out to be just like me.  Watch out world!

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