Monday, July 30, 2012

First Time Riding the New Bike Outside

It has been so blazing hot that Barry and I didn't get a chance to take Colton outside this weekend to try out his new bike.  He's been riding the bike in the living room, through the hallway and around the kitchen table.  Let me tell you, that got old fast.  However, we finally decided tonight would be the night to take it outside and let him ride.  We wanted it to be we waited until around 7PM to go out and it was a whopping 91 degrees!  Anyways, I'm so glad we did.  He had a blast!

He did so good on it, thank God for training wheels..........what in the world do parents do without them when their little ones are just learning to ride a bike?  I'll have to say, that was a great invention.  He had a rough time pedaling up the incline of our driveway, so we pushed him, but going down the hill, he took off........thank goodness he learned fast how to brake!  I'm so glad we bought him this bike for his birthday, it was a great purchase!

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