Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sore Winner

I can't keep this story to myself any longer, I just have to share it with everyone.

Colton and I decided to play Mario Kart this morning.  We each picked our cars and our drivers and then we chose the race track.  We were having such a good time laughing and hollering;we were really whooping it up (a.k.a. really having a good ole time) racing each other.  I was winning at the very beginning of the race and Colton wasn't very happy about it.  At one point in the race, I thought he was going to throw a fit, even possibly throw the wheel remote down (I know nobody can believe that statement.............HA HA HA) but he didn't, he kept himself in the race.  I was so proud of him.

He ended up getting way ahead of me since I kept crashing and falling off.  We finally come to the end of the race and he wins...............go figure.  Well he starts yelling, screaming with excitement, dancing the "victory dance" around and suddenly he turns to me and says, "Nanny, nanny, boo boo, I beat you!"  I couldn't believe it...............already............only four years old..........he's turned into a little show off...........he's gloating..........holy and when did this happen?   Those words that just came out of that sweet little mouth, my little baby boy's mouth, I was shocked.  I had never heard him say that before.............oh how quick they learn things.

Sometimes it's so hard for me to realize just how fast he is growing up...............and truth be known................I DON'T LIKE IT ONE BIT! ! ! !

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