Monday, August 13, 2012

Our Unhealthy Breakfast

This morning at breakfast time, Colton was asking me for donuts.  Of course we had none, so that meant a trip to the grocery store was necessary.  Once we arrived, we went to pick out the donuts we wanted.  We looked at all kinds of donuts and finally Colton chose the bag of mini chocolate donuts for himself.  I chose a glazed cinnamon roll and a long john with caramel topping.  I then ran into some peanut butter flavored no bake cookies that I could not pass up.  We were going crazy buying sweets, so I knew it was time to get out of dodge.  When we were checking out, Colton saw a little bag of Cheetos puffs that he had to have. 

After we got our breakfast items, we then decided we needed something to drink.  What better place then Sonic for a cherry sprite and a diet vanilla coke.  YUM!  Not a very healthy breakfast this morning, but you have to live and treat yourself every once in a while.

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