Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Our Monday Morning Purchase

Colton was such a little trooper for me when I was sick Monday night and all day Tuesday.  He entertained himself quite a bit with what we purchased Monday morning at Wal-Mart.

Every time we go into Wal-Mart, Colton wants to go down the toy aisles and look at the toys.  Most usually, we always do.  He's spoiled rotten..............and I, mama, did it to him.  Well Monday was no different, we ran into Wal-Mart to get some milk and bread and next I knew, we were down the toy aisle.  He looked up and down the aisle and suddenly ran into this castle that made noises.  He really liked this, he got it out in the floor and started playing with it.  He did NOT want to leave when it was time to go, he didn't want to put this castle back, he really wanted it.  He was dead set on this.  I didn't get upset, I didn't yell at him, I didn't threaten to whip him if he wouldn't leave, I just reasoned with him.  I told him this castle wasn't cheap, so if he really wanted it, he could get it...................BUT he would have to use some of his Birthday money in order to buy it.  That reasoning went so well..........look what we left Wal-Mart with.
 This was actually a great investment, I will have to say.  He has played with this day and night.  This castle was a life saver for me while I was sick, he really played and played with this.  I'm glad we bought it.  He got out his dinosaurs after a while and had them try to storm the castle, they were the enemy trying to invade his castle.  Needless to say, the dinosaurs did NOT survive.  Colton, the great knight slayed them all!  HA HA HA!

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