Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games (Widescreen)
I had been hearing good things about this movie that came out called The Hunger Games.  I didn't really think that I cared to see it, but my interest was peaked the more and more I heard about it.  The more I wondered what it was all about, I knew I had to watch it for myself.  This weekend it came out at the Redbox, so I rented it.  I'll have to say, I enjoyed it.  It was really good and now I can't wait until the next part of the movie comes out.  I can't wait to see how it ends though, so I'm going to have to break down and go read this trilogy.
The Hunger GamesCatching FireMockingjay
If you know me, you know that I'm not much into all.  However, when I enjoy something, I learn to make an exception.  This is one of those rare times that I will make that exception and go read me some books.  You might want to do the same, I think you just may enjoy the story.  Happy reading!

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