Saturday, August 25, 2012

Our Silver Dollar City Outting

Colton and Noah were such the little troopers on our outing to Silver Dollar City yesterday.  Colton found some new favorite rides and Noah found some new rides altogether.  When we first arrived, Gabe wanted to ride Wildfire.  He convinced Ashley to ride it with him, then he swayed me to ride it with him next.  The boys patiently waited for us to finish the ride.

After that ride, all of our tummies were a little upset, so we took off for something more calm, in which we found the good old standby, a family all time favorite, The American Plunge.  Colton was ready to ride.  So him, Nana and Uncle Gabe all went to get in line while me, Ashley and Noah went to observe in the surveying part where the log they are riding in climbs five stories and the drops them down the big hill of a slide plunging into tons of water where they get drenched.  And did they ever get drenched!  Holy Toledo!
What really impressed me the most was both the boys rode Fire In The Hole and loved it.  Ashley and I were trying to talk the kids out of wanting to ride it because we thought they would be scared to death.  Neither of the boys like the dark and we didn't think they would like the roller coaster drop down parts, so we had their best interest at heart................or so we thought anyways.  Instead, the opposite happened, when the ride ended..............there were NO tears..............there were NO scared little boys.............there were actually two little boys that were ready to ride it again.  Who would've thunk it?

Gabe and Ashley then rode the Powderkeg.  This is another roller coaster that Gabe thought he just had to ride.  It goes from 0 to 53 miles per hour in less than 3 seconds............NO way was I getting on that one, my stomach was still trying to recover from Wildfire.

Finally after the BIG kid Gabe had his fun of riding his roller coasters, we headed off to the little kid rides in Half Dollar Holler.  Colton had to do his infamous run through of the water sprinkling mist under the train tracks while Gabe and Ashley got slushies.

Then we got side-tracked and had to stop and ride the train.

Then we went straight to the Flooded Mine (which used to be Colton's favorite ride).

We finally made it to Half Dollar Holler for the kids.  Noah rode the carousel while Colton climbed and ran around in the treetop fun houses and climbing nets.  Next we were off for more kid rides at the Grand Exposition.  We ran into the Lost River of the Ozarks and I was ready to go.  Colton, me and Ashley decided we'd take our chances at getting soaked.  We had so much fun and Colton got the brunt of the soakedness (don't think that is a real word, but it works).  He was ready to ride it again though, he was such the little trooper.  I was so proud of him, he had a blast.

Next we headed for the Grand Exposition area where Colton and Noah rode the Happy Frogs, Ladybugs and Wings of Wonder.

Then we were off to eat some lunch, we were all starving.  After lunch, we headed to see some shows so our lunch could settle.  We went to the Saloon Show and afterwards Colton wanted some dippin dots and shared with Noah.  How sweet is that, Noah even let Colton feed him his bites.

While they were eating, Gabe somehow convinced Ashley to go back on the Powderkeg........crazy big kids.  While they were riding, we had a little escape artist trying to get out of his stroller.

We then went to the Opera House and listened to the Ball Brothers perform in the indoor air conditioning..........were we ever needing to be cooled off!!!

We then went back to the Grand Exposition area where Colton had to ride the Royal Tea Party (teacup ride) and the Mighty Galleon while Noah had to ride the Racing Regatta and then go back to the Happy Frogs.  Colton threw a crying fit (I know that is so unbelievable) and wanted to ride the teacup ride again, but mama had went over her riding limit, so it was time to stop riding.

We all had a blast though, I'm so glad we went and had our fun-filled day at Silver Dollar City!  We were all able to do something we enjoyed.


  1. My little cousins are growing up!!!!


  2. Yes they are and really fast; wish you lived closer so you could watch them grow up.
