Saturday, August 18, 2012

Laughing Cow Cheese Mini Quesadilla

I love eating Mexican food.  It's my favorite kind of food and as everyone knows, it's not low calorie.  What is good tasting that is low calorie?  Not a lot!  Besides liking Mexican food, I also like cheese, lots and lots of cheese.  As you know, cheese is also not a low calorie food choice.  When I found out about Laughing Cow Cheese I was thrilled, it's low calorie plus it's good.  I thought of this next food combination and decided, why not try it out?  Hope you enjoy my little low-calorie pick me up for all you other Mexican food lovers.

Laughing Cow Cheese Mini Quesadilla

2 Laughing Cow Cheese wedges Light Queso Fresco and Chipotle (or use another flavor you like)
2 soft corn tortillas

Open and spread the cheese on one tortilla.  Place the other tortilla on top.  Microwave 30-45 seconds until it looks like the cheese has melted.  Cut and serve with salsa.  Pretty yummy for a snack.

160 calories for the quesadilla

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