Monday, August 27, 2012

Stuck At Home

Today the City told us there would be limited access to our road because we were finally getting it paved.  Our entire street was really excited for this since we had been promised it for some time and we began to wonder if it was ever going to happen.  Each house received a notice on our doors Last Thursday that there would be limited access to our street on Monday.  Woo-hoo, the day was finally arriving.  The only downside to all of this meant Colton and I were stuck inside the house all day.  That really puts a damper on you especially when you really don't like the feeling of being stuck at home.

Well the trucks arrived around 6:15AM and they left around 3:00PM.  They worked all day until the entire job was finished.  It turned out really nice, so I guess it was OK that Colton and I had a day of just staying at home.  Look at our nice new road.

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