Monday, July 16, 2012

What Happened to Losing Weight?

Well it's confession time.  I once again fell of the weight losing wagon!  I lost 10 pounds and was doing great when my husband came home and had to have Mexican food.  I'm such a sucker for Mexican food.  I had to have my chips and queso........I mean come on, I can't go without having that when I'm out at a Mexican restaurant.  It's my all time favorite treat!  I should've got back on track after that, but didn't.  I failed to remain on the weight losing path, I crumbled under the pressure of eating awesome tasting food and just wanted more and more.  I had a BLT (without the tomato of course) but with lots of mayo.  YUM, but not the healthiest choice.  Next, I went to McDonalds and had my next favorite item which is the caramel frappe.........not gonna lose weight with that.  The next evening, we all went and had a calzone ring with cheese dippers from Mazzio's as I blogged about earlier.  I went absolutely crazy with that one, I know shame on me.

Needless to say, I've gained back 3 pounds already.  I hope to get back on the right path soon before it's too late.

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