Monday, July 2, 2012

Our Spiderman Day

Today has been an awesome day with just me and Colton.  We woke up this morning and watched Spiderman first thing.  Next we got ready to head to town to pay some bills and eat some lunch.  Colton wanted to dress in Spiderman clothes, so I said that would be fine.  We picked out a Spiderman shirt and then he went through his shorts and found Spiderman shorts as well.  He HAD to wear those, nothing else would suffice him.  It was so cute when he started singing the Spiderman song we know........."Spiderman, where are you coming from Spiderman, Nobody knows who you are."  He sings that all the time, but today is was appropriate since he was also in Spiderman attire.

He was singing and dancing as I took these pictures of him.

After I had taken pictures of him, he decided he wanted to take a couple of me. Here is one of them.  I was very impressed with his picture taking skills that he could center me in the middle of the photo he took.  Before he snapped the shot, he said, "Mama, say cheeeeeeeeese!"

 We ate out at his favorite place..........Mickey D's, code name for McDonald's.  He had to have a Happy Meal with a toy of course.  It was so funny, he got the boy toy, but was not satisfied with it, he had to exchange it for the girl toy.  Katie had one of these the other day when we went to Chuck E Cheese with Dan, Angel and Katie and Colton has been wanting one ever since.  Here's what he has wanted:
It is cute, I'll have to say.  I even played with it myself.  We had a great day together.  Once we got back to the house, Colton decided we had to watch Spiderman 3 and I told him he could if he would lay down on the couch while watching it.  My plan worked, he has now fallen asleep and I'm able to post.  What fun!

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