Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Colton Just Relaxing on His Birthday.........

Colton's birthday was yesterday, July 23rd.  He turned the big 4 years old.  We went over to my best friend's house for dinner and then play time for the kids.  Colton and Katie had a good time playing together, as they always do.  Even though they pick at each other or end up fussing over the same toy; they always look forward to the next time when they're able to get together again.  They are kids!

Later in the evening it was time to head to our house.  Once we arrived back home, Colton immediately asked to watch a movie.  Of course I let him choose one and he ended up picking "Bolt" for us to watch.  I couldn't complain because at least it wasn't the same one we've been watching for the past two weeks.

I placed the movie in the dvd and sat down to enjoy the movie with Colton.  I got bored so I started playing with the laptop.  I looked up and noticed him looking so peaceful and content, just laying down relaxing on the couch with his potato chips while watching one of his movies.  I could NOT pass up this picture on his Birthday, so I went to get my camera without him noticing.  This one was definitely a keeper.

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