Monday, July 23, 2012

Jen's Simple Tasty Taco Sour Cream Dip

Saturday evening, I was craving some kind of a taco sour cream dip that was fast and easy to make before I started back on my diet this week.  I didn't have a lot of ingredients, so I went looking to see what I had in my fridge and cabinet.  I found a package of taco seasoning and a 16 oz container of sour cream.  I decided why not mix them together and see what it tastes like...........when I did, I satisfied my craving.  I dipped tortillas in it and thought it was really tasty.

Jen's Simple Tasty Taco Sour Cream Dip

1 (16 oz) container of sour cream
1 package of taco seasoning

Mix the two ingredients together and enjoy.  You could serve this dip with chips or veggies.  To make it lower in calorie, use a light sour cream dip.

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