Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

Our Independence Day was spent at mom's house.  We ate taco salad and a strawberry pie that was really yummy.  I'm going to have to get the recipe from her and make it sometime.  I'll share it with all of you when I do.  Here's a picture though until then................

Noah approved of the pie.............
Colton decided later he was going to read a book to Ernest.  He's so funny.......of course he can't read.

I tried to get a picture of the boys before they turned into little hooligans and went all crazy on us like they normally do when they get together.

After lunch, the kids wanted to play.  They were having fun hitting the soft balls with the bat.  Aunt Ashley was trying to help the boys get the hang of it and hit the ball correctly.

Once they learned what to do, then they really started playing..................

Next they decided they would watch Beauty and the Beast.  Neither one of the boys had ever seen this movie, so they were really paying attention.
We had a great day with everyone and family time, nothing is better!

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