Saturday, March 17, 2012

My Food Cravings

Do you ever have food cravings?  Something that you really want and you want it right now?  When you think about it, you can almost taste it?  I know what you are thinking at this exact moment, so let me stop you in your tracks and put your mind at ease.  NO, I am not pregnant.  This week I have been craving some homemade peanut butter fudge.  I want that creamy, smooth, melt in your mouth peanut butter fudge.  Do you know about the kind I'm talking about?  It's awesome.  I've never made any peanut butter fudge myself, but I've been on a mission to find the recipe I've been craving.

I was searching through my Grandma Martin's recipe box and found a couple different recipes for peanut butter fudge.  However, I don't know which one was the melt in your mouth kind that I remember.  So now I'll have to make both recipes just to find out which one I've been dreaming about.  Oh poor me!!!  Just kidding, I can't wait to make the peanut butter fudge recipes, it won't be a problem for me to make two batches and do a taste comparison.  :)

Once I make them and perform my taste test, I'll let you know my favorite pick of the two and get back with you.

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