Saturday, March 3, 2012

Food, Food and More Food

Well today was a busy food day for our family and I felt like we ate like Kings all day long.  For breakfast, I made us fried eggs, scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and biscuits.  Yes, I typed it correctly, I had to fry eggs for Barry and make Colton and I scrambled eggs.  We are all picky on our eggs.  :)  For lunch, we met our Minister and his wife at the Mexican Restaurant we enjoy so much in our small town.  Again, we ate a LOT of wonderful food.  Next, we headed to Springfield to do some shopping.  In the afternoon, I even talked Barry into stopping by McDonalds to get me a small Caramel Frappe that I love so much!  When we finally arrived home, I had placed a pork tenderloin in the crock pot that morning and cooked it all day long while we were gone, so when we got home, we could enjoy this awesome pulled pork recipe I found here.  I invited my mom and my brother and his family over to enjoy it with us.  So last but not least, for dinner we had pulled pork, potato chips, macaroni and cheese, corn and brownies for dessert.  However, we were all stuffed from the pulled pork, that nobody ate any of the brownies for dessert.  Barry was excited about that...........more for him!

My family has literally eaten ALL DAY LONG today and we are stuffed from all the good food.  Everyone thought the pulled pork was really good and flavorful, so I wanted to share it with you.  It's another easy, great tasting recipe to make in the ever loving crock pot, so enjoy!

BBQ Pulled Pork
adapted from

4 pounds Boneless Pork Loin
1 tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper
1 tsp Salt
1-2 tsp Garlic Powder
3 cups Water
2 Tbsp Hickory-flavored Liquid Smoke
Your favorite Barbecue Sauce
Hamburger Buns or Other Buns of Your Choice

Rinse the Pork Loin and pat dry.  Cut the Pork Loin in half so it will fit nicely in the crock pot.  Rub salt and pepper over the pork and place it in a slow cooker.  Add water, garlic powder and liquid smoke. Cook on high setting for 6 to 8 hours or low setting for 8-10 hours, until the pork is very tender.  Remember the longer you cook it, the more tender it will be.  Remove the pork from the slow cooker and throw away the remaining liquid.  Make sure to shred the pork using a couple of forks, because the pork will be extremely hot.  Place the meat on the buns, then pour as much BBQ sauce on it as you want.  Enjoy!!!!

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