Friday, March 23, 2012

Potty Training - Take Two

First of all let me say, I hope this story I'm about to tell helps a mommy somewhere that is having trouble with potty training.  If I can just give you an idea to try that you hadn't thought of yet, that will be worth it all to me.  Bear with me, here it goes........

Sharing this with everyone is very exciting for me.  I have tried so many things to get Colton potty trained with the "number two" stage or as I call it, the "poo poo" stage.  It's not even funny the things I've tried.  To get him to go in the potty, I've rewarded him by giving stickers, letting him call and talk to "his Patrick" as he calls him, over the phone.  Patrick is his cousin that lives in Oklahoma and he really thinks his cousin is "IT".  I've tried giving him M&M's, I've sat with him and read him a book to try and get him to go.  We've listened to the potty videos with songs and dancing on them.  I mean you name it, I've tried it.  Nothing was working.

I was so frustrated, I didn't know if he would ever be trained.  This was driving me crazy.  I mean he is going to be turning four years old close to the end of July.  What kid is NOT trained by then?  People think you are not doing your "motherly" duty if your child isn't trained by four years old.  They don't come out and say those words to your face, but you know they are thinking it.  You can just tell by their expression on their face when they realize your child is NOT yet potty trained.  A mom just knows these things.

Anyways, I had received advice from everyone on how to accomplish this "potty training" thing.  Their ideas just weren't working either, so thank the good Lord just wasn't me!  I was beginning to think all hope was lost when my mom a.k.a. Nana, had an idea.  She said let's try this...........we'll reward him with a mini size candy bar of his choice.  If he will go "poo poo" in the potty like a big boy, then he will receive a mini candy bar each time he does the deed.  I agreed that she had a good idea.  We talked to Colton to "offer the deal", he accepted, so the challenge was on.  We went to the store, Nana bought him the candy bars of his choice, which were Twix.  The boy loves chocolate!

The experiment was on.  I asked him if he had to go several times that evening, but he would just say no.  I kept asking and he kept saying no.  He would say "NO" with such a tone too.  He would say it with an attitude like, "why do you keep asking me when I don't have to go!"  It was several hours later when you will never believe this, but he told me he wanted to sit on the potty and try to go "poo poo".  I was thrilled, I sat him on the potty and low and behold..........who would have thought it was possible............he went "poo poo".  I was dancing, I was giving him praises of what a good, big boy he was, I was clapping my hands............I was doing everything to enjoy this moment!  The only words out of his mouth were the following, "Call Nana, tell her to bwing me my candy baws."  Now if that wasn't motivation, tell me what was?  I found it hilarious, he knew exactly what he had done and he wanted his reward and he wanted it right now.  Who says kids aren't smart?   PLEASE!  They are geniuses, pure geniuses.

He has done really well after that day.  He's only went "poo poo" in his pull-ups on accident one time so far.  Every time now, he goes "poo poo" on the big boy potty!  I couldn't be prouder of him and more thankful for my mother and her idea.  To me...........I believe if you find anything that works for your child, whatever it is, how silly others think it is, STICK WITH IT!  Every child is different and if you figure out what their motivation is to go "pee pee" or "poo poo" on the big potty, you better jump on it.

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