Friday, March 9, 2012

Our Cookie Cutting Afternoon

Last week, Colton came to me and asked if we could make some cookies.  He said, "I want to cut some cookies."  I wondered for a moment what he was talking about, but soon remembered our visit to my sisters last year.  My niece, Victoria, was making sugar cookies and soon Colton and Avery wanted to help.  She was so kind and patient with them as she let them help roll out the dough, smash it, roll it again, smash it some more and finally cut them with the cookie cutters.  That's what he meant by "cutting" some cookies.  He has been talking about it for a while and I have kept putting him off, but decided last week, we would actually take the time to make some cookies.

He had a blast helping me.  He loves to be included in baking these days.  I love it that he wants to help me in the kitchen.  He loves to crack the eggs and pour in the oil when I bake a cake or brownies.  I enjoy this time with him now, because I know one day he'll be all grown up and probably won't want to bake cookies with me anymore.  Right now though, we have fun!

He did such a wonderful job, he was so precise with pulling the excess cookie dough apart from the shapes.  I was truly impressed, because most of the time, he is in a hurry when we do stuff together.  However, when we made these cookies, he took his own sweet precious time.  He did so awesome!  I was a very proud ma ma.

By the time he finished cutting out all the cookies, he had flour all over him.  CUTE!  I love it.  It was on his hands, on his face, on his arms, on his clothes.............but none of that mattered, because WE HAD FUN!  I hope he remembers the time we spend together and the memories we make.  You can see our finished product below.  Yes, they are mostly Christmas cookie shapes below, but that is the only cookie cutters I have at this time.  We've got to get to the store and get some other shapes so we can make some more.

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