Sunday, March 4, 2012

Where Did All the Little Smokies Go?

I took this next recipe to a get-together after our evening church service this past New Year’s.  It’s really simple and it’s a yummy appetizer to most people.  However, my family eats it as a meal most of the time because they love these little things!  My son and husband can eat two entire packages of little smokies between them, I’m lucky if I get a few.  No joke!  Last time I made them for my family, I put them in the crock pot to cook when we got home from church one Sunday afternoon, so they would be ready that evening for dinner.  I decided I needed to do some grocery shopping, which actually turned into just plain shopping of every kind, but that's not the point..........anyways, my husband and son decided to stay home.  When I returned there were only 6 little smokies left in the crock pot for me to eat.  I said, "Where did all the little smokies go?" and my son replied with, "Uh...........daddy did it."  How funny is that, blame it all on dad.  I had to share that though, because it was too cute to pass up.   Apparently, they were hungry for something to snack on and didn't realize that was going to be our they ate them.  Silly boys!

You might already know how to make these, because I think this is just one of those recipes that gets passed around quite a bit, but I’m going to share it with you anyways.  Hope you enjoy them!  :-)


2 (13 oz) packages of Hillshire Farms lit'l beef smokies
1 ½ cups of grape jelly
1 (12 oz) bottle of Heinz chili sauce

Mix the grape jelly and the bottle of chili sauce in the crock pot.  Add the packages of little smokies next.  Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours, depending how cooked through you want them.  Eat and Enjoy!

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