Sunday, March 11, 2012

Watch Out.......The Boys Are Driving!

Saturday was a beautiful day.  We went outside to enjoy the warm weather here in March.  Colton picked me a tiny flower of some kind in the grass, which was so sweet.  You can see it below.

He is such a thoughtful little boy.  Once we were outside for a bit, we decided to head over to Gabe and Ashley's house to let the boy's ride their truck and gator.  We've been wanting to get together for some time now so they could play since Noah can now drive his truck.

They both had a blast chasing one another.  Colton hit Aunt Ashley's tree that was growing, I don't think he was paying much attention to where he was going.  Noah hit their guttering coming off of the down spout.  Those silly boys just don't watch.  They did enjoy themselves though, so that was the most important thing.  After they got tired of chasing one another, they decided to ride together.

I'm so glad they have each other to grow up with.  They need that cousinly connection.  They have so much fun together and they love each other so much, I'm so thankful for a good family.

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