Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Maybe Next Time

Ever have one of those days where you are swamped with house work and you can't see any end in sight?  You don't think you can hold your head above water any more?

Well today was NOT one of those days.  Colton and I were home and we had a big play day prepared.  We played with building blocks and we put a big fire truck puzzle together.

We spent the rest of the afternoon outside enjoying the beautiful weather.  He rode his gator and got it stuck in a big mud hole.  Once we got it out, we decided to clean it.  What a mess!  I hooked the hose up and went to town spraying it down.  Mud was flying everywhere and Colton was laughing.  Go figure with a boy laughing at flying mud!  He kept wanting to have his turn to spray the Gator with the hose.  Watch out though when a boy gets a hold of the water hose, you never know what he's gonna spray.  Needless to say, at the end of our cleaning, we were both wet.  We had a great time today spending time together.  I do have one regret though, I forgot to take pictures of our eventful afternoon outside with the Gator.  I guess I was too interested in getting it clean, that it totally slipped my mind to take pictures of the dirty Gator.  Oh well, maybe next time I'll remember the camera.

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