Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Monday Night Play Time

Last night, we hung out with Angel and Katie at their house for our Monday night get-together.  We all had a good time.  After we ate supper, we took the kids outside to run off some energy.  Katie had a bike that Colton was really excited to try out.  I was trying to teach him how to pedal so he could take off and go.  He finally learned how to at the end and then didn't want to get off the bike.

Angel took Colton for a ride in the basket of her new bike.  Her new bike was cool, I even took a spin on it.  I loved it, you didn't have to balance like you do on a normal bike since it has three wheels!
While Angel was riding Colton on her bike, I was watching Katie.  She is hilarious.  She was riding her bike, but then immediately saw a dandelion in the grass in which she did not hesitate to jump off her bike and run to pick it and then blow.  The kids love the smallest things in life, how precious.
Next Colton played with Katie's Mater bubble maker.  That was pretty cool and he really enjoyed himself.  Anything for the kids to run around and burn energy I'm all for.
After that Colton decided he wanted to ride Katie's bike again, but first he had to chase her down.......and let me tell you........she is FAST on that bike.
At last, she decided she would give him another turn.  I definitely see a bike in his future; possibly as a Birthday gift.  He would have a blast with that.  You have to definitely check out the last picture of his face showing that he did NOT want to get off the bike.  Priceless!
 It soon started to get dark, so we let the kids play some kick ball.  They kept throwing the ball around, but didn't seem to want to kick it very much.  Finally, Angel showed them a couple of times to kick it and then they finally listened.  I didn't get very many pictures of that since it wasn't very light outside, but here are the ones that turned out OK.

This picture is too funny not to show.  The ball had rolled over onto the other side of the driveway and Katie was waiting for Colton to retrieve it so they could play some more.  I caught this picture of her waiting "patiently" for him to bring back the ball so they could keep playing.  It's just like a woman having to always wait on a man.  HA HA HA HA!
We all had a good time and can't wait for next Monday night.  We'll see what excitement it has to hold for us, hopefully I'll have more to share then.

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