Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Our Day At The Park

Today was pretty busy.  We had to take Papa Jerry to his dialysis treatment today.  That was something very new for Colton and I to experience.   I'll have to say, Colton acted very well today at the Dialysis Center.  The nurses all commented on how well behaved he was, so that made me very proud of him.  It's very hard on little kids to stay couped up in a room for very long, but the key was he played with the tablet most of the time we were there.  That tablet has been a life saver so many times, I'm so glad we made the purchase last year.

We stayed with Papa for a couple of hours thru his treatment, then I decided to take Colton to the Park next door and see the ducks.  He had fun with that.  He kept trying to persuade them to come closer to him, but it didn't work.  He even squatted down on there level to try to entice them, still to no avail.

All I can say was he was very persistent.  This time though, it didn't pay off.  Oh well, maybe next time we can bring some crackers and lure them in.

Next, we headed straight to one of the playgrounds so he could climb and slide.  He enjoyed that.

At the end of our adventure, he wanted to circle around the park once more to find the lookout that has the telescopes.  We drove around until I found the lookout fort.  He kept telling me he wanted to "cwimb the waddew to wook at the ducks."  It cracks me up how he pronounces his l's.  You actually do climb up this ladder and once you get to the top, you can look through the telescopes.  He just pointed the telescopes to the ducks.  I'm assuming he saw them, I don't know.
Finally, I was tired, so I asked him to take some pictures by the bridge and then we'd have to go pick up Papa.  He agreed as long as I would let him climb up to the lookout one more time before we left, so I agreed.
After he knew we had to leave, this is the last picture I got of him being sad.  He did NOT want to leave.  He loves to play at this park.  I told him we would come back soon and we will.

Until next time........................

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