Tuesday, May 8, 2012

4-Wheeler Riding

When I finally arrived home tonight after work, Colton was happy to see me.  I thought it was because I was finally home.  It partly was but mostly he was anxious for me to arrive home so I could watch him and daddy ride the 4-wheeler.  Daddy went to get it started and they were off on their riding adventure.  I ran in the house to get my camera and made them slow down a few times so I could take some clear pictures.
Colton was giggling up a storm, he loves to ride that 4-wheeler.  I think mostly he likes being so close to his daddy.  He loves spending time with him and I just love that.  Some of Colton's facial expressions are just hilarious as you can see below.
They had so much fun being together all day today and that is what matters.  It's the little things in life that mean the most to our children.  I hope we as parents ALWAYS remember that.

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