Friday, May 11, 2012

The Train

Our minister is a big time joker.  He loves to tease and he loves to tell jokes.  Anything to make people smile or laugh is what he enjoys.  Well he has told Colton and Noah this little old saying a few times and both the boys will repeat it if you say it one line at a time.  They say the words so cute too since they don't pronounce their words perfectly yet, we all love for them to repeat it.  Well tonight Colton was playing in the living room floor with his trains while mom and I were visiting and all of a sudden we hear this loud little voice say:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I tell you the facts,
I lost my bwitches on the wailwoad twacks,
Along came a twain, choo, choo, choo,
Tow my bwitches wight square in two."

We started cracking up.  Bro. Beck would get a kick out of that!  I know me and mom did.

I'm sure everyone knows what the saying is really, but just in case you didn't understand how Colton said it, it goes like this:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll tell you the facts,
I lost my britches on the railroad tracks,
Along came a train, choo, choo, choo,
Tore my britches right square in two.

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