Thursday, May 3, 2012

Our Sunday

Last Sunday we had such a rain storm with lightning and thunder that followed.  Colton was somewhat scared of the thunder, he asked me, "Mama, do you hear dat loud noise?  Do you like it?"  I said yes, I do like to hear the thunder.  That gave me the opportunity then to explain what causes thunder and he was all ears.  He hung onto every word that I was telling him.  I love it when I can teach him something new and he actually pays attention.  After explaining everything to him, it was time to get ready for church and head out so we wouldn't be late.

After church, we headed to mom's house for leftovers that Gabe and Ashley had from their BBQ.  There is nothing better than a burger or hot dog from the grill, they always taste so much better than when you cook them on the stove top.  YUM!

After we were finished eating, the boys had a time pillow fighting with Nana's stuffed animals.    Sometimes they get a little stir crazy being all cooped up in the house, but once they started playing, the crazy fun began.

Have you ever heard the saying when you have one boy by itself, it's just a boy, but when you have two boys together, you only have half a boy, then when you get three boys together, there is NO boy at all.  My Grandma Puddin used to say that all the time and trust me, she knew what she was talking about since she raised four boys.  She always said that saying when several boys would get together to play, because sometimes it turned into chaos.  Boys just don't seem to think too clearly when you have more than one playing together.  Well that is how it is when Colton and Noah get together to play......there is only half a boy thinking process.  They had fun though!

Later they took a nap, then when they awoke, they
decided to try on Nana's sandals and walk around in them.  Funny, funny boys.

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