Friday, May 11, 2012

Our Morning At The Park

This morning we headed off to the park.  I told Colton last night we would go to the park sometime today and all he talked about this morning was the park and kept asking when we were going.  He has no patience just like his mother apparently.

When we first arrived, there were three other little kids playing and I tried to get him to go join in, but he was too shy.  When he gets embarrassed, sometimes he gets a little mischievous.  He decided he would then pick up some of the rocks and hold them in his hands.  All of a sudden he threw them straight into the grass.  That didn't sit well with me, so I scolded him and then made him pick them all up and put them back where they belong as you can see below.

Next he wanted to slide.  The other little kids came over to join him, so he finally began to warm up to them.
Then he decided he would venture off to the little merry go round to run and push it.  One of the little girls quickly came over and wanted him to push her on was so cute.

After he was tired of pushing her, he ran over and wanted to swing on the baby swing.  For some reason, he likes to swing in that baby one and go way high.  Nana ended up pushing him on it.  He kept yelling, "Go faster, push me harder!"
When it was time to go he wasn't very happy.  He started to pout and cry. 
Nana finally had to pick him up and carry him towards the car.
That's when I started teasing him because he was acting like a little baby.  I told him I was going to take more pictures of him crying if he didn't stop, so he hid his face from me.  We then started playing hide and seek around Nana's head.  He began giggling.  I luckily snapped this picture of him laughing.  That's my boy!

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