Monday, May 7, 2012

Work And Play

We decided today there was some work that needed to be done around the yard.  Our back yard has really been neglected lately.  Barry has been gone and I just don't like yard work, but today we didn't put it off anymore, we got on it.  Barry first started weed eating the yard, because it desperately needed it.
Then Colton and Barry decided to mow, however I noticed in the back yard that there were these huge rocks.  See below!  How does our yard just keep having these stupid rocks appear, it's like they grow in our back yard or something.
Anyways, I picked up rocks while Barry and Colton mowed other parts in the back yard.  What a busy day we had.  We were so proud of the yard after we were finished though, it looked so good!  There is a nice feeling of accomplishment when you complete a job well done.........however, we know this stinking job has to be done once a week!  YUCK!
Colton loved every minute of riding the lawn mower with his daddy today.  It wasn't work for him..........this was play time with dad!  After the yard work was finished, Colton then decided to really play.  He drove around in his Gator showing off for Barry and I while we relaxed on the porch swing!  At least he had a nice fresh mowed place to drive on.
We had a good day today spending all of our time together once again.  Even if we were working, we were together doing it.  We all had fun!

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