Saturday, May 12, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

Colton and I headed over to take Papa to his dialysis treatment today.  We arrived and took Papa inside.

We spent a little bit of time with him at the Dialysis Center, but Colton was a little more antsy this time, so we left to go to the park to burn off some of that extra energy.  He had lots of fun running around, jumping, yelling and playing.  I just chased after him mostly.........

This boy is a hyper little man, so he played and played and played.  He's like the Energizer bunny.  He keeps going and going and going.  He slid down the slide, he climbed the poles and jumped off the stand, he ran across the swinging bridge, he chased some little girls, he swung on the big swing and then decided he wanted to swing in the baby swing because I would push him higher on that one.

I was getting tired, so I decided it was time to go grab some lunch.  After we ate our chicken nuggets, we headed back to spend some more time with Papa.  I thought Colton could help entertain Papa on the last part of his dialysis treatment since he was wired today.  Papa likes to watch Colton be all boy.  He thinks he is something else, so that is good therapy for Papa.  Unfortunately, right before we arrived, he zonked completely out.  Can you believe that?  He was hard core asleep.  He had just worn himself completely out, because he played so hard.  I was worn out too just from watching him playing and chasing after him at the Park.  I carried him inside the Treatment Center and visited some more with Papa by myself until he dad was finished with his treatment.  We then headed home.  Let me tell you, when you are utterly, really, extremely tired..................there is no place like home!  HOME SWEET HOME!  I was so glad to arrive back at home.

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