Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Growing Up

Colton keeps growing faster each day.  His words are getting plainer each day, so when he still says the letter "w" in place of the letter "r" and says the letter "s" in place of the letters "th" I just relish in the words that come out of his little mouth.  I try to enjoy this time by soaking it all in because I know before long, he'll be able to pronounce all his letters correctly.  I just love the toddler voice and wish I could keep him little always, but I know that can't be.  We all have to grow up one day.

Most days when I'm home with him, we head outside at some point because he loves being outside.  He was playing in his pool and I was sitting on the porch swing watching him.  I was in deep thought about some things and not paying full attention to him when I noticed he was talking to himself.  It reminded me of when I was little and how I used to have imaginary friends.  It's funny how kids turn out so much like us parents.  I kept watching him and then out of the blue, he turns to me and says, "You want to play wis me?"  I said, "Honey, ma ma is too big to get in the pool and play with you."  He then proceeds to say, "Well you used to be little like me, wight?"  I said, "Yes, I used to be little like you, but now I'm big."  He says, "Well if you think you little, you will be little again.  Won't you play wis me, please?"  After him telling me that, I knew he just didn't want my attention, he also wanted some interaction.  I then decided yes, I could be little again and have some fun with my son.  So I splashed water on him, we screamed and yelled with laughter and then we played catch with a ball he had in the pool.  We both had a good time.  Sometimes, it's so nice to forget your an old boring adult and just get down on your child's level to play and enjoy them while they are still little and still want you to play with them!  Today was definitely a good day with my little man!

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