Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day With Mom

Monday night, Gabe, Ashley, Noah and mom came over for all of us to celebrate our Mother's Day with mom.  We let mom choose what she wanted to eat, so I made the dinner and Ashley brought the dessert.  She made a wonderful strawberry jello cake with whipped topping and strawberries on top.  YUM!  We all had a good time just sitting back eating and visiting.

Through dinner, the boys were racing to see who could make a happy plate the fastest(in case you don't know, that means who could finish their meal first).  They are so funny.  Colton calls it chasing instead of racing.  So he kept telling Noah, "I'm chasing you No-No."  When one of them would eat a bite faster than the other, they would yell out, "I won, I won!" with such excitement.  When Noah lost a couple of times to Colton, it was so cute, he yelled out, "I lost!  I lost!"  He took it so good though, he didn't care that he had lost, he didn't get mad or upset at all, he was just excited to yell anything when he finished his bite.  However, the next time Noah did win, he still yelled out, " I lost!  I lost!" with such enthusiasm.  It was so funny and we all cracked up!  We all said, "No Noah, you won this time bubby!  You won!"

After dinner, we took the boys to the park to burn off some energy.  They played hard together.  They slid down the slide.

Then they played on the merry go round.....
Then Colton hung on the monkey bars..........he thought he was big stuff.........
Then it was time to say goodbye...............

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