Sunday, May 6, 2012

Family Time

Ya know, I think sometimes we take our family for granted.  We tend to forget to tell them how much we love them, how much we care about them and how much we appreciate them.  We just somehow forget how precious our time is together.

My husband has just started a new profession.  He has become an over the road trucker.  Let me tell you from experience, this lifestyle makes you "take time to stop and smell the roses" as the old saying goes.  You learn how precious your time is with each other and learn to enjoy every moment you have as a family.  No fussing, no fighting, no pouting, no arguing, no yelling, no ignoring, no picking at each other.............there is not enough time to do any of that.  We play, laugh, tickle, tease, smile, kiss, hug, snuggle, share thoughts and moments.........we just sit back and relish in each others company.  This is the time in our lives to take everything in and enjoy every second of every day with the family God has given us.

If I could enlighten you on anything today, it would be how wonderful and special family time is.  Just take a step back and look at your family life.  Is it how you want it to be?  Is it what you thought it would be?  Are you happy and fulfilled in it?  If it's not...............then change it.  Don't take your family for granted anymore.  Appreciate every day that you have with them and make every moment count.  START ENJOYING YOUR LIFE WITH YOUR FAMILY!  These are precious moments in our life to be treasured.  We all deserve this happiness!

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