Saturday, May 26, 2012

Old Time Sayings

Have you ever had something happen to you and before you know it, you are quoting an old saying that came from your grandparents?  When I was little I was very hyper, I mean extremely over-hyper.  My grandma always used to tell me I had "ants in my pants".  Well this morning me, mom and Colton were at Hardee's having breakfast and Colton can never sit still.  He's just all over the place.  He's just like me when I was little.........very hyper-active.  Before I knew the exact words my grandma used to tell me came flying out of my mouth.  I told him, "Sit down.  Good grief boy, you must have ants in your pants."  I just cackled to myself thinking, oh my Lord, I'm turning into my grandmother!

I just started thinking of all the old time sayings I heard as a kid growing up.  Ones like:
fit as a fiddle
smart as a whip
sharper than a tack
better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick
tighter than the bark on a tree
poor as a church mouse
when pigs fly
tougher than shoe leather
that's the kettle calling the pot black
chip off the old block
knee high to a grasshopper
madder than an old wet hen
not worth a hill of beans
wound up tighter than a drum
naked as a jaybird
dead as a door nail
quiet as a mouse
fit as a fiddle
loose as a goose
stubborn as a mule
so tight you squeak when you walk
sly as a fox
shootin' the bull
hard nut to crack
strong as an ox
blind as a bat
meaner than a junk yard dog
crazy as a loon

My grandma Puddin's favorite to say was "pretty is as pretty does" and my Grandpa's favorite was "I need something to wet my whistle" and he used to tell me all the time that I looked "as poor as a snake".  Now for my all time favorite and one I use myself quite often is..........................................drum roll please........................................"don't have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of".

Those are some of the ones I remember being quoted at some point of time in my life.  How many can you remember?

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