Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pool Time

Well this afternoon, the boys decided to go swimming in the kiddie pool............playing in the water is more like it.  What a gorgeous day to play outside, a little muggy for the adults, but a blast for the kids!
They had so much fun together.  Colton can really pick at his little cousin at times, but he loves him so much.  However, most of the time today it seemed they were in a race to see who could get to the slide first.
Finally though, it was payback time.  Noah decided to get Colton back for all the times he has been teasing him or picking at him.  This was funny!

Then Colton looked up and there was daddy all of a sudden!!!!!  Daddy finally arrived home.  Woo-hoo!!!!  Then it was hugging time...........
He went back to playing in the pool, but every once in a while he'd have to run over to daddy to make sure he was still there and give him some loving.  Those are the moments most cherished!
After pool time was over, we headed in the house for nap time.  All you can say to this picture is................PRICELESS!

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