Saturday, April 7, 2012

Our Saturday Morning

Who knew today was going to be as chilly as it turned out to be?  Last night I made a promise to take Colton to the park so he could play today and we could fly his kite.  We got around and headed to the park with Nana.  He brought his bubbles with him, because I mean come on, this boy loves his bubbles.  He couldn't leave home without them.  That little smile on his face is so adorable.  It shows just how much he really does love blowing bubbles.  My funny boy!  This other picture looks like he is trying so hard to concentrate to blow the biggest bubble he possibly can.

After he blowed some bubbles and played with them, he then wanted to try some other things.  Like sit on the teeter totter, hang from the monkey bars, slide and swing.  We were having fun just watching him enjoy himself so much.

He decided he would even play some peek-a-boo with me.  Love that little smiling face!  I could eat it up and kiss and squeeze those precious cheeks off!!

We even attempted to fly his kite, but could never hardly even get it off the ground.  I thought I would try it out first before I gave it to him to work his magic.  However, today it wasn't windy enough.  I'm hoping tomorrow we'll have better luck.  While I was trying to get it to fly, I wasn't paying attention to what Colton was doing.  Mom finally noticed him when he started taking pictures with my camera I had sit on the ground.  That mister smarty-pants had grabbed my camera that I had sit on the ground, turned it on all by himself and took this picture.  I believe he's going to be a photographer when he grows up.  He loves to take pictures and he's not half bad.

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