Sunday, April 15, 2012

Our Family Adventure

Today after church, mom, Gabe, Ashley, me, Colton and Noah all piled in Gabe's truck to head toward Mazzio's Pizza for lunch.  We all love their calzone ring and we hadn't tasted one in a while, so we decided to go chow down on one.  Man did it ever hit the spot!  YUM!  This was Colton's very first time of trying one, he loved it.  He ate two pieces of the calzone ring all by himself and one cheese breadstick........I was a very proud mama.

Every time we are all together, it turns into an adventure of some kind.  On our drive over to Mazzio's this time, Colton thought he was going to vomit, so Gabe had to hurry and pull over so I could get him out of the truck.  What an ordeal, thank goodness he didn't puke, but I think it was just in the nick of time that I got him out and let him breathe in some cool fresh air.  He calmed down pretty fast and the upset tummy went away.  He's just like me when I was younger though, I got car sick every time around those curvy roads.  Mom always carried a baggie with us in the car just in case she couldn't pull over fast enough to let me out in case I puked, boy did that ever come in handy.  I gave Colton half a dramamine about 45 minutes before we even left church today, knowing we were going to be driving on the curvy roads, but apparently that didn't help.  His pediatrician recommended he take a half one of those when we know we'll be going around curvy roads, but for some reason, it wasn't working this time.  Mom thinks he should've ate a snack with the pill and maybe that would've made it better, but dingaling me, didn't even think of that.  Next time, I will know.

Anyways, when we arrived to Mazzio's, it was packed!  We had a hard time even finding a table to sit at, but we finally did.  My smart little sister-in-law had called in our order on the drive over, so we didn't have to wait at all to get our pizza and cheese breadsticks.  What a smart little lady she is!  Gabe made a good choice when he picked her.  :)

On our way home, Colton thankfully fell asleep, so we had no worries about him getting car sick on the drive home.  We were then beautifully serenaded by my singing little nephew, Noah who is 2 and 3/4 old.  He will be having a birthday coming up in June.  He was so precious singing along with an old time Country Gospel cd they had of the Happy Goodman's.  Noah knew every song word for word on that cd, that boy can sing!  I love to watch him because he puts everything he has into singing songs for Jesus.  LOVE IT!  That was the highlight of my day today, nothing more precious than to see your family singing songs and worshiping the Lord.

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