Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fun-Filled Monday Evening

Monday evening my two boys were doing a little boxing.  Colton has been missing his time with his daddy wrestling and boxing since he's been gone.  He couldn't wait until daddy returned home so he could burn some of his energy rough housing.  They had snuggled on the couch that afternoon and taken a nap together, it was so sweet.  When they woke up, Colton was ready to start playing.  They've had a lot of time to make up for and Colton decided they would spend it boxing.  Since Barry was able to come home with us today, they've been together every minute.  Colton had a blast.

Daddy really took a lot of rough punches, but had a good time doing it.  Most of the time daddy won, but there were a couple of times that Colton did.........but only when daddy gave in.  They both enjoyed their time together.  After boxing, Colton was ready next for wrestling.  Daddy pleaded for a break, so Colton finally agreed.  It was a shock to me when he decided to let daddy rest and actually sit down and watch some TV.  Once that happened, Colton climbed up by him on the couch, snuggled up real close and was asleep in about 10 minutes.  Awesome night.

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