Monday, April 9, 2012

Gator Riding Boys

Last Saturday when mom was watching Noah, she brought him up to the house so the boys could ride Colton's Gator.  They always have fun riding the Gator together.  This day was pretty funny, so I have to share this story.  They were playing really well together, no fussing, no fighting, no picking at each other.  They were even taking turns driving.  It was GREAT!  See below:
Mom and I were so proud, we were even commenting on how well the boys were getting along with each other and playing so nicely............when all of a was once again Noah's turn to drive.  It's what happened next that was the kicker............TOO FUNNY!
Colton was walking around the Gator to get into the passenger's side of the Gator, when....................
Noah took off without him.  Colton was messing around with the tailgate and was being too slow, so Noah decided to leave him.  I guess Colton should not have been taking his fine, sweet, slow time getting into the passenger's seat.  He should've ran to get in..........anyways, mom and I thought it was funny.  However...............Colton did NOT think it was funny at all.  This is what he thought of the whole situation.
When Noah had finished making his round, he circled back quickly and stopped by to pick up his crying cousin, Colton.  He got over it pretty fast and those tears soon turned to laughter.  What funny boys we have.  Fighting cousins one minute and loving cousins the next.

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