Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Our Ride Home

Tonight was one of the best rides home in a long time.  I love it when Colton stays awake on the ride home from work.  When he does, I get free entertainment.  Tonight was one of those evenings.  My mom and I got serenaded with the ABC's song.  I loved every minute of hearing his little sweet baby voice sing the Alphabet song over and over and over to us.  It went something like this, "ABCDEFG, HIJKLNOP(yes he leaves out the M because he runs the letters in so fast together), QRSTUVWXY and Z, now I said my ABC's, next time won't you sing wiss me?"  I love the "next time won't you sing wiss me?" part, that is my favorite.  I wish I could keep him this little ALWAYS.  I love the way he pronounces his words at this age, there is nothing more precious in the world than to hear that little voice.  I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF BEING A MOM!  There is nothing greater in the world to me than that.  I enjoy giving Colton my undivided attention.  My mom always told me that there was nothing more precious you could give the ones that you love than your time.  Time and attention means everything to a child.  I'll have to say we're not one of those wealthy families that has a lot of money by any means, but we are rich with love in our family.  Money can't buy what we have..........it can't even come close and for that, I am so thankful.  I wouldn't change a thing!!!!

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