Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Tickle Machine

My son is a tickle-magnet maniac.  He wants to be tickled all the time, he loves every second of it.  He is nothing like me in that aspect, I hate being tickled in any and every way.  I also hate to be chased, I cannot stand either one and he can't seem to get enough.  He loves both.

Tonight, Nana was over watching "Real Steel" with Colton at his request.  While getting about half way through watching the movie, he asks her to tickle him.  He says, "Nana, would you tickle me?"  Well of course, it's Nana and Nana is going to give the little man what he asks for.  She didn't have a clue what she was getting herself into.  Once you start, he doesn't want to quit.........she found that out fast........he couldn't get enough.  He kept telling her, "Tickle me, tickle me..........don't stop."  Then once she stopped, he said, "Tickle me again!"  She did for a little while longer and finally got his mind back on watching the movie, she got lucky this one time..........but probably only this time.  By the end of her visit with us tonight, she was worn out.  She will surely sleep good tonight!!!  So anyone with sleeping issues, come on over to our house.......I'll let you tickle Colton.  HA HA HA HA!

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